
2023年9月21日—Amazonisreportedlyworkingonaprojectorthatwouldturnanysurfaceinyourhomeintoascreen,asreportedbyReuters.,2021年4月28日—OurInteractiveinfraredtouchframescanturnanyscreenintoatouchscreen.ThistechnologyiscompatiblewithanyLCD,LEDorProjection ...,2022年3月6日—Aprojectortouchscreenisadeviceusedtoconvertastandardscreenintoatouchscreen.Itconsistsofaprojectorandatouchscreen,which ...,2022年...

Amazon's rumored home projector can turn anything into a ...

2023年9月21日 — Amazon is reportedly working on a projector that would turn any surface in your home into a screen, as reported by Reuters.

How Do You Turn Any Screen Into a Touchscreen?

2021年4月28日 — Our Interactive infrared touch frames can turn any screen into a touchscreen. This technology is compatible with any LCD, LED or Projection ...

How To Make A Projector Touch Screen

2022年3月6日 — A projector touch screen is a device used to convert a standard screen into a touch screen. It consists of a projector and a touch screen, which ...

Ideas to Convert Standard Projector to Interactive?

2022年12月8日 — In our pursuit to better support the teaching experience, we are looking for Chrome OS compatible ways to convert our standard PowerLite ...

Interactive Multitouch Display

This instructable will show you how to turn your lcd projector into an interactive multi-touch display table using a few cheap components readily available from ...

Smart Conversor Transform TV Display to Interactive Touch ...

Smart Conversor Transform TV Display to Interactive Touch Screen,Intelligent Adapter Projection Screen to Interact Surface. Color : Option 1. Option 1.